Online Service Process and Sales Training Courses

process_stepsOnline Service Process and Sales Training Courses.

The most popular way to get started has been:

this Single Instructor license is only $195.00 per month

  •    …includes:
    • Single instructor login, Progress Tracking and Reporting
    • Two printed Workbooks including shipping
    • Bonus:
      • Includes a Training Version of our Online Service Menu and Sales Presentation tools for your primary franchise

At any time (or right away) upgrade to individual Service Manager and Service Advisor logins and Progress Tracking and Reporting for each rooftop

this Instructor + Advisors license is only $295.00 per month per rooftop

  •   …includes:
    • All Managers and Service Advisors individual logins, Progress Tracking and Reporting
    • A printed Workbook for each Manager and Service Advisor
      • New staff also receive a printed Workbook as needed
    • Bonus:
      • Includes a Training Version of our Online Service Menu and Sales Presentation tools for your primary franchise