An extended service contract is a fundamental element of customer retention. With a disappearing deductible if your customer comes back to you, a service contract gives your customer the piece of mind that all major mechanical and electrical parts and labor will be covered for the time and mileage that they select.
So how do you ensure that your customers are properly protected?
Service advisors are too busy to spend a lot of time explaining the details of a service contract, and training them to answer questions accurately is a long and involved process.
Good News! With our program you don’t have to do any of that. One click to our online referral form, with simple basic customer information, and one of our service contract experts will call your customer within 5 minutes and handle everything for you.
…and the service contract program technology is included FREE with all versions of our service menu programs…built right into the service menus to keep it in-front of both your advisors and customers